
Content marketing concept: How to make your content marketing even more valuable

The goal of any company's marketing efforts is to find and interact with customers to create brand loyalty and generate sales. One of the most effective and cost-efficient ways to do this in today's multi-channel environment is content marketing. Content marketing should always be considered, When creating a marketing strategy.


The value of a content marketing concept

This is because, unlike paid advertising, content marketing offers something of value to the audience, which is vital for building trust with any current or potential customer.

Content marketing is first and foremost simply a digital marketing strategy where companies create honest, transparent and educational content for their customers on a consistent basis. Typically, the goal is to increase organic website traffic, increase qualified lead generation, and (ultimately) empower the sales team to close more deals faster by publishing and promoting content.

So why don't all companies primarily use content marketing? Well, the most difficult thing about content marketing is that it takes time. But this negative factor is offset by the numerous benefits, at least over the longer term.


About the effectiveness of content marketing

So why is content marketing so effective? Because people interact excellently with good content, it generates leads and expands the customer base much more sustainably than paid advertising measures. The following facts underpin the power of a content marketing concept that works:

  • Content marketing generates 3 times more leads than paid search for every dollar spent
  • Creating content is the most effective way to achieve excellent SEO optimization of your own website
  • 80% of people prefer to draw conclusions about the company from articles and publications rather than from advertising
  • 82% of consumers are more loyal to the company after reading relevant content from that company


Tips for content marketing with concept

Unfortunately, as valuable as good content marketing can be, it's only effective if companies know how to use it properly. The following tips can help you get the most out of your content marketing:

  1. Use a range of different media

While the days of written press releases are not over, there are many different ways companies can share content with the public in the modern age. In addition to writing content, companies can reach audiences through social media marketing, video content and graphics. A wider range of media can help gain more exposure online.

  1. Optimize content mindfully

To make content stand out in a world where everyone is using blogs and articles, as a business you need to make sure you optimize everything you produce in terms of content. This means incorporating SEO strategies into your campaigns to improve search engine rankings like Google, as well as adding features that make the content easy to consume or share. For example, a "Share on Facebook" button at the end of an article could improve your brand's reach.

  1. Show competence and knowledge

When people search for content online, they often want to learn something. A great way for you to make your business stand out through content is to showcase your company as a thought leader for a particular niche. Q&A sessions or in-depth industry articles can help a company appear more credible and authoritative.

  1. Create a plan and stick to it

Good content marketing makes use of a plan. Because only if your content is selected in a structured way and published in a well thought-out manner can it be successful.


Tips for content production with concept

These four tips are a good foundation, but once your foundation is in place, it's all about producing top-notch content. Your content has to be better than your competitor's content, and only then will you have a chance to win over their customers.

But since content production is also expensive, you should get the maximum reach out of each post. That's why, in addition to investing in the right content creation for your business, you should also multiply the content they create by converting it into different formats or looking at it from multiple angles. For example, you could interview different members of your company on a particular topic or turn a recent article into a video or infographic. To help make this successful, I've rounded up another 6 points that will maximize the value of your content:

  1. First and foremost, set a direction. Before you start writing content, you need to understand your goals
  2. Know your customers. Often a lot can be learned about the consumer through various tools, their behavior on the site, what channel they came from, what areas of the site they viewed, what purchases they made, how they responded to the email newsletter and much more.
  3. Choose the right channel for your business. Just 10 years ago there were only 10 channels, now there are 100, but not all of them are optimal for your business.
  4. Create useful, clickable and shareable content. To do this, you need to know your customers, only then can you create content that will be read and shared with pleasure. Solve your customers' problems with your content, and you'll be bound to get engagement.
  5. Spend more time on publishing. Most content creators spend 80% of their time creating content and 20% publishing and promoting it. But it should be the other way around.
  6. Measure and monetize constantly. You need to understand how your investment pays off in monetary terms.


Risks of a content marketing concept?

Honestly, a content marketing concept doesn't come with very many risks if you follow all my tips. However, there are real risks if you follow coherent concept, and the biggest of them is opportunity cost.

Without content marketing concepts, you're missing out on traffic, leads, and reputational benefits. So your business may be profitable without a content marketing strategy, but how much better could the profits be if you had one?

Add to that the fact that your competitors either already have their own content strategies in place (and if they don't, it's only a matter of time); how long will it be before their momentum takes hold and your market share shrinks due to inaction?

Therefore, don't forget that good content marketing campaigns increase dramatically in value over time as they reinforce each other. So the longer you wait, the more potential growth you'll sacrifice and the tougher the competition you'll eventually face.


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Content marketing concept: How to make your content marketing even more valuable


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