
Study: What is REALLY important to content marketers?

Developments in marketing departments show that the initial trend of content marketing has become a permanent fixture in the marketing mix.

In a society where brands no longer just have to satisfy consumer needs, but provide real value, a marketing discipline is establishing itself that combines the art of editorial elaboration and data-driven research.

The restructuring of the marketing sector is facing hurdles with increasing digitization that are not done with a simple process optimization.

Team structures have to be redefined, bugdets calculated and clear goals set. We are observing an era of marketing that involves a fundamental upheaval.

We therefore ask ourselves:

  • Can the new concept actually be superimposed on the old?
  • What does the ACTUAL state look like?
  • What topics are content marketers concerned about?
  • What conclusions can be drawn from the current state of content marketers?

The evaluation of the contentbird State of Content Marketers 2019 will provide an answer:

Participation: State of the Content Marketer 2019 Study


Content marketing study - We want to know exactly

Customer Centricity places the customer at the center of all entrepreneurial activity. Metaphorically, the customer is placed in the center of the circle of chairs and pierced with questions. The uncovering of pain points provides concrete instructions for process optimization, which can be adapted with regard to the most important findings.

The State of Content Marketers 2019 study attempts to do just that. It puts today's content marketer, metaphorically speaking, in the chair in the middle, uncovering the most important issues in the content marketing process.


Team structure: Who am I? And if so, how many?

An organized team structure lays the first foundation for implementing successful processes. But teamwork should not be understood as a holy grail here. Content marketing is characterized by a high rate of specialists who work independently. Content marketing agencies have focused on the storytelling format and help companies implement the workflow.

The State of Content Marketers 2019 study aims to show which case is currently the most common.


Strategic goals: More is more

Increase reach, generate leads, strengthen reputation - the pool of possible goals for a content marketing strategy is broad. While the B2C sector wants to deepen the attention and trust of its buyers through emotional content, the B2B marketer is interested in fact-oriented blog posts that, in the ideal case, are seen directly by the decision maker.

The results of our study are intended to provide an overview of which goals are being pursued through content marketing strategies.


Process: This is where the wheat is separated from the chaff

What does the content marketing process look like in German companies? How much time is invested in the individual steps? Is the creation preceded by research, is the distribution carried out with as much care as the content creation? What conclusions can be drawn from the analysis?

The "State of Content Marketer 2019" study aims to highlight the process points where time and bugdet accumulate.


Budgets: Where to put the money?

Budgets are a heated issue within the marketing team. While advertising insists on high budgets for paid ads on social media channels, the content marketing strategy focuses on creating high-quality assets. So where to put the marketing bugdet? What challenge will the content marketer encounter in 2019 when allocating budget? And can it prevail over legacy advertisements?


Participate now in the State of Content Marketers 2019 Study

Do you work in a content marketing in-house team, are you a freelance content marketing strategist, or are you the creative head of a content marketing agency? No matter what your current status quo looks like, one thing is certain: we're interested in it.

If you feel at home in the content marketing discipline and want to lend weight to this study, take part in the State of Content Marketers 2019 study now and help us enlighten what topics are (or will be) on the minds of content marketers in 2019.

By taking part, you can directly secure the evaluation of the study. You also have the chance to win a place in our Digital Content Marketing Academy (value: 1.800€) + 1 year contentbird (value: 3.600€)!

Participation: State of the Content Marketer 2019 Study


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