Medium-sized companies | colibri AI

"With colibri I manage to generate more content in good quality in less time"

"With colibri, we can turn long texts into concise social media posts, as well as short product descriptions into longer, easy-to-read posts. And all this in little time with little work!"

Sarah Petautschnig
Online Marketing Manager

Success with contentbird


Due to the increasing importance of the online store as a new online marketing channel, the associated work grew beyond the capacities of the 3-person internal team as well as the external copywriter.


It's about simplifying workflows and generating more content in a time-saving way. Optimizing texts and postings is also helpful when it comes to saving resources and still producing a lot of content.

Solution & Results

In general, more texts are produced in less time. colibri also helps with the correct formulation of complex topics and complicated expressions. This creates new opportunities for growth and room for improvement.

Key Learnings


Internal know-how can be processed faster with AI

Texting with AI is a huge time saver, as we can quite simply process internal, existing know-how much faster. 

This in turn not only results in good contributions, but we can now also deliver better in terms of quantity. Since it is difficult to work with external authors in our industry for legal reasons, colibri is a good alternative here. 


New potential through complex topics

Actually, we've wanted to write about more complex topics on the blog or post on social media for quite some time. In the end, we always failed to make these topics simple and yet appealing and interesting to make them accessible to the masses. 

Contrary to expectations, colibri is a wonderful help in this regard, producing comprehensible articles for us even on topics related to oecotrophology (or nutritional science).


New growth opportunities through creative idea generation

Creating blog posts, newsletters or website texts with AI is already a big advantage for us. However, we have noticed that colibri is also a handy tool for research and inspires us to be more creative. 

The process of idea generation can thus be expanded, which in turn gives us new potential for content and thus also positively influences our growth opportunities.

"With colibri, we can turn long texts into concise social media posts, as well as short product descriptions into longer, easy-to-read posts. And all this in little time with little work!"
Sarah Petautschnig
Online Marketing Manager

Sarah Petautschnig's conclusion on colibri AI

As far as the quality of colibri AI is concerned, I can't complain. Of course, you have to learn the ropes and first understand steps like product descriptions, social media posts, landing pages or newsletter creation with AI. 

The important thing is to work with AI, but not to rely on it. In the long run, we can easily generate more content with colibri and convert existing know-how into high-quality content faster. 

In addition, colibri is helpful when it comes to writing general statements and short postings for our target group. Since we have been using contentbird for a long time and various information about the target group is known, the texts created by the AI really fit wonderfully.

We can achieve more visibility and generate more reach

As a result, we can already achieve more visibility at this stage, generate more reach and digitize and accelerate many manual workflows. 

I personally appreciate that the use of placeholders in colibri helps me to include everything and not forget anything. I am also very interested in the personas, but I still need to learn more about them. 

In the future we would like to create our own templates. Until now, we have only worked with the existing ones. 

In general, there are still a few features of colibri that I have to try out first, in order to use them already in the team in the next few months.

About egle

Wilhelm Egle GmbH is a food retailer based in Pfaffenhofen an der Roth. 

The business idea has existed since 1949, when everything started with the distribution of safflower oil from California in Germany. Today Egle is a renowned company that over the years has specialized in the development and distribution of high quality food products.

"With colibri, we can turn long texts into concise social media posts, as well as short product descriptions into longer, easy-to-read posts. And all this in little time with little work!"
Sarah Petautschnig
Online Marketing Manager

With a long tradition and experience in the food sector, the Egle company has earned a first-class reputation. Egle's mission is to create the optimal combination of taste, pleasure and well-being for customers. 

Care is taken to work with selected suppliers and to produce sustainably. In addition, the Egle team is always striving to pick up on new food trends and bring innovative products to the market.

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"With colibri I manage to generate more content in good quality in less time"

Case Studies