AI Assistant

Your AI Content Marketing Assistant

With AI Assistant, you and your team get a productive AI content marketing software that effectively supports you in strategy, research, topic planning, content production, analysis and optimization.


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  • full functionality
  • no credit card data or similar necessary
  • already over 2,000 satisfied users  
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Accelerate implementation

Whether new blog articles, product descriptions, the next social media post, the creation of key points or the revision of content - AI Assistant enables this and much more at the touch of a button.

Solve resource problems

Produce more quality content for a higher number of channels without additional resources. Artificial intelligence addresses the skills shortage and empowers your organization to grow.

Increase growth & profitability

AI Assistant cost-effectively contributes to successful content marketing by increasing output and quality and reducing internal and external content production costs.

AI Assistant - artificial intelligence throughout the content process

Develop strategy together
Research made simple
Implement lightning fast planning

AI Assistant supports the development of the persona and suggests CTAs for the different customer journey phases.

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Our AI assistant suggests relevant (longtail) keywords with search volume and gives you an overview of the W-questions.

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Further topic ideas, topic planning, editorial plan or content briefings - available at any time with AI Assistant.

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Whether entire blog articles, product descriptions, the next social media post or the creation of key points - AI Assistant enables this and much more at the touch of a button.

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Create the appropriate formats for all (e.g. social media) channels from a draft (e.g. blog post) at the push of a button.

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Our artificial intelligence provides information on quality and expansion or optimization potential quickly and reliably on autopilot.

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High quality content creation
Scaling Content Distribution
Intelligent analysis and optimization
Develop strategy together

AI Assistant supports the development of the persona and suggests CTAs for the different customer journey phases.

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Research made simple

Our AI assistant suggests relevant (longtail) keywords with search volume and gives you an overview of the W-questions.

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Implement lightning fast planning

Further topic ideas, topic planning, editorial plan or content briefings - available at any time with AI Assistant.

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High quality content creation

Whether entire blog articles, product descriptions, the next social media post or the creation of key points - AI Assistant enables this and much more at the touch of a button.

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Scaling Content Distribution

Create the appropriate formats for all (e.g. social media) channels from a draft (e.g. blog post) at the push of a button.

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Intelligent analysis and optimization

Our artificial intelligence provides information on quality and expansion or optimization potential quickly and reliably on autopilot.

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Lightning fast creation of terrific content that gets results

Create website content that attracts and converts

  • Headlines, product descriptions, FAQs and much more
  • Use AI Assistant to improve SEO
  • Accelerate idea development and solve writer's block

Create social media posts in minutes for months in advance

  • Create social posts based on existing content
  • Systematically plan the social media pipeline in advance
  • Automate hashtag and emoji research

Create product descriptions that attract visitors and sell products

  • Turn sober product data / facts into appealing descriptions
  • Higher coverage of long tail to increase findability
  • Formulate motivating calls to purchase

Turn ideas into complete texts within a short time

  • Prevent writer's block through a step-by-step process
  • Create introductions, outlines, paragraphs, conclusions and entire content with the AI Assistant
  • Allow text snippets to be derived for marketing in newsletters and social media

Write press releases that will be published

  • Have appealing titles suggested for press release
  • Have press text developed from product information
  • To enrich quotes and enhance with background information

Newsletter teasers and stand-alone mailings at the push of a button

  • Never again empty newsletters through simple creation of teaser texts
  • Introductions, stories and Call-2-Actions with just a few clicks

With AI Assistant you become an excellent prompt engineer without trial & error

Experience the magic of artificial intelligence

Specialized in the entire content marketing process

Standard AI tools
(e.g. ChatGPT,, neuroflash,
AI Assistant
Templates for controlling the AI
Sequences for iterative optimization
Real-time availability of AI models
Integration with Workflow & Content Library
KI strategy development incl. templates
(Persona, content goals, CTA's, etc.)
KI Reseach incl. templates
(Keyword, W questions)
KI theme planning incl. templates
(Editorial planning, topics, stories, content)
KI content creation incl. templates
KI analysis incl. templates
Background information for better results
no limitation of words
"AI Assistant is a reliable tool that allows me to quickly create high-quality content for social media and websites. It gives me the opportunity to manage my time better and work more efficiently."
Ina Goebel
Content Marketing Manager

Template library for best results

One assistance - thousands of possibilities

More templates

Output the list of common terms in the content


Erstelle eine Liste der häufigst genannten Begriffe inkl. Intent des Textes: {editorContent}

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Determine the sentiment of the content


Bestimme das Sentiment des Textes: {editorContent}

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Create outline for content

Content creation

Schreibe eine Gliederung zu {title} und dem Briefing: {briefing}

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Create full text for content

Content creation

Schreibe einen vollständigen Text mit {targetWordcount} Wörtern auf Basis des Titels: {title}, des vorhandenen Briefings: {briefing}, der zu nutzenden Begriffe: {performanceKeywords}

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Create facts and statistics about the content

Content creation

Create a list of the top 10 facts, statistics, and trends about {contentStory}, including their sources

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Write paragraph

Content creation

Erstelle einen Paragraphen zum Thema: {topic}

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Product description with product data

Content creation

Create a product description from {briefing} and {editorContent} for an online store

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Paragraph rewrite


Rephrase the following paragraph 5 different ways to avoid repetition without changing the meaning: xxx

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Suggest additional terms for expansion


Gib zusätzliche Suchbegriffe aus, die ich in folgendem Text aufgreifen kann: {editorContent}

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Research relevant keywords


Erstelle eine Liste von relevanten Begriffen zu: {title} - die Begriffe {performanceKeywords} können als Inspiration berücksichtigt werden (jedoch nicht wiederholen)

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Create Meta Description for Content


Erstelle 5 eindeutige Meta Descriptions mit maximal 150 Zeichen für den folgenden Text: {editorContent}

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Create suggestions for content titles

Title creation

Erstelle 5 eindeutige, beschreibende Titel mit maximal 60 Zeichen für den folgenden Text: {editorContent}

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Translate content into target language


Übersetze den Text in die Sprache {contentLanguage}: {editorContent}

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Create tweets based on the content


Erstelle 3 Tweets (mit jeweils maximal 275 Zeichen) zur Bewerbung des Textes inkl. relevanter Emojis und Hashtags: {editorContent}

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Create Linkedin posts based on the content


Erstelle 3 Linkedin Beiträge zur Bewerbung des Textes inkl. relevanter Emojis und Hashtags: {editorContent}

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Create Facebook posts based on the content


Erstelle 3 Facebook Beiträge zur Bewerbung des Textes inkl. relevanter Emojis und Hashtags: {editorContent}

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Create newsletter introduction based on content


Erstelle eine kurze Einleitung für einen Newsletter zur Bewerbung des Textes: {editorContent}

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Email for content marketing


Erstelle eine kurze E-Mail zur Bewerbung des Textes: {{editorContent}}

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Internal Slack message to share the content


Erstelle eine kurze interne Slack Nachricht (per Du) an das Team und rufe zum Lesen und Teilen meines Artikels auf der URL: {url}

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Create summary of the content


Erstelle eine Zusammenfassung von 100 Wörtern des folgenden Textes: {editorContent}

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Create bullet points from content


Erstelle 10 Stichpunkte zu dem Text: {editorContent}

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SEO optimized title


Create 5 unique, SEO optimized titles with a maximum of 60 characters for the following text {editorContent}.

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Title from theme

Title creation

Suggest 5 catchy headings for {topic}.

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More creative text


Make the following content more creative {editorContent}

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Simple language


Simplify the following content and make it easy to read for grade 6 children. {editorContent}

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Elaborate core statement


Kürzen Sie den überflüssigen Teil und bringen Sie den folgenden Inhalt auf den Punkt: {editorContent}

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Optimize grammar


Improve the grammar of the following text and give me suggestions (if any) {editorContent}

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CTA from text


Write a meaningful CTA for {editorContent}

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CTA from title


Write a meaningful CTA for {title}

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CTA from keyword


Write a meaningful CTA for {performanceKeywords}

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FAQ / Questions based on the title

Content creation

Erstelle eine Liste von 5 häufig gestellten Fragen auf der Grundlage des folgenden Titels: {title}

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FAQ / Questions based on keywords

Content creation

Erstelle eine Liste von 5 häufig gestellten Fragen auf der Grundlage des folgenden Keywords: {performanceKeywords}

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FAQ / Questions based on briefing

Content creation

Erstelle eine Liste von 5 häufig gestellten Fragen auf der Grundlage des folgenden Briefings: {briefing}

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Create hashtags


Suggest 10 hashtags to {editorContent} for my social post

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Title from theme

Suggest 5 catchy headings for {topic}.
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Write paragraph

Erstelle einen Paragraphen zum Thema: {topic}
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Optimize grammar

Improve the grammar of the following text and give me suggestions (if any) {editorContent}
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CTA from text

Write a meaningful CTA for {editorContent}
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You have questions, we have the answers. Here you will find an excerpt of the most frequently asked questions about the Operations software.


Can AI Assistant replace the content marketing team?

Artificial intelligence should not replace the content marketing team, but rather serve as a sparring partner to help use time and resources more effectively. AI can support and enrich by helping with idea generation, content optimization, and data analysis. We recommend producing content together with AI, but not relying on it blindly.


What content types can AI Assistant create?

AI Assistant can provide support at various points in the creation process: The development of title ideas, the creation of introductions, the production of an entire article and, for example, the derivation of key points and the compilation of a summary/conclusion.


How quickly does AI Assistant produce content?

Probably one of the most impressive advantages: Content is created within a few seconds. In some cases, the AI needs 1/10th or even only 1/100th of the time of a human.


Does AI Assistant make mistakes when creating content?

Artificial intelligence is getting better and better. Nevertheless, the AI still makes mistakes and sometimes cannot access the latest available data. However, the error rate is very low and can be further reduced by a good briefing and approval process.


Is the content of AI Assistant original / unique?

The content generated by AI Assistant is newly generated original content based on the briefing and background information, which is not repeated. The content can be published clearly and free of charge. To check for plagiarism/duplicate content, we have integrated a plagiarism check directly in the contentbird editor using Copyscape, the world's best scanner.


How is copyright regulated with AI produced content?

contentbird or its partner OpenAI make no claim to the content created with AI Assistant. This means that it can be used or published without restriction. However, we recommend always taking responsibility for what is published and carefully revising the AI content and ensuring quality through approval processes. (this is not legal advice)

Do you have more questions?

If there is still something unanswered for you, please feel free to contact us!

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