Trusted Content

Better content, satisfied readers and more conversions with Trusted Content

Trusted Content Software allows you to gather feedback on your content and generate more leads and conversions with optimised content.


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  • full functionality
  • no credit card data or similar necessary
  • already over 2,000 satisfied users  
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More confidence

Reviews from other readers and the Trusted Content seal ensure trust among new website visitors.

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Optimise content

Through reader feedback, you can always improve your digital content and increase its relevance.

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Convert reader

Trusted Content builds the bridge between your content world and your individual conversion to turn readers into leads.

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Reader reviews
Reader comments
Click rate on CTA

Trusted Content Features

Trusted Content Seal
Trusted Content Widget
CTA integration

With the Trusted Content seal you prove the high quality of your content and create trust.

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Collect reader ratings in the form of stars and receive direct feedback on the content.

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Include call-to-actions and lead readers directly to conversion.

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In the backend, you can evaluate and optimise the performance and feedback of each content.

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Trusted Content Seal

With the Trusted Content seal you prove the high quality of your content and create trust.

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Trusted Content Widget

Collect reader ratings in the form of stars and receive direct feedback on the content.

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In the backend, you can evaluate and optimise the performance and feedback of each content.

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CTA integration

Include call-to-actions and lead readers directly to conversion.

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Online portals
"I was able to add Trusted Content to my themed world within 2 minutes, collected thousands of reviews within a few weeks and my team was able to optimise our content based on reader comments."
Michael Möller
Head of Growth & Digital Marketing


You have questions, we have the answers. Here you will find an excerpt of the most frequently asked questions about Trusted Content.


Do I need Trusted Content if I have already integrated eKomi or Trusted Shops?

Yes, then even more so! You have optimised the product and the buying process and can now optimise your content with Trusted Content.


Can I find out which feedback was given for which content?

Yes, this is possible via Trusted Content Analytics. Here, the star ratings and also the written feedback in the comment field can be assigned to the respective content.


Are the design and position of the widget on the website customisable?

Yes, we provide different designs so that the design works with your brand. You can flexibly integrate the widget on your website where it works best. The position and distances to other website elements are flexibly configurable.


How is Trusted Content integrated?

The integration is easy and quick: In about 5 minutes you have integrated Trusted Content via the Google Tag Manager.


Do I have to include Trusted Content in my privacy policy?

No, because Trusted Content does not collect any personal data or IP addresses. The collection takes place on your own landing page and is therefore covered by your own privacy policy.


Can I also use Trusted Content without the other contentbird products?

Yes, Trusted Content is a completely independent product. Although you can get even more out of your content marketing in combination with the other contentbird products, everything can be used separately.

Do you have more questions?

If there is still something unanswered for you, please feel free to contact us!

Start your content audit

Understand your audience and improve your content quality with Trusted Content!
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