Interactive success in content marketing

Converting content marketing via interactive actions throughout the year. More sales. More user engagement. More leads.


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Exciting, emotional, interactive formats with clear added value for customers, partners and employees - distributed throughout the year to support your marketing goals in B2C and B2B. We offer the right content format for every marketing highlight. Whether seasonal promotions or individual campaigns, Convert's formats make your content interactive and lively.

Plan your marketing year 2024 now

Highlight Events


The 2024 European Football Championship in Germany - the highlight of the year

A rousing and exciting event like no other. Four weeks of soccer fun with customers, partners and colleagues. Whether you're an absolute soccer fan or not, playing the European Championship online from anywhere, with the prospect of winning as an individual or with the team, awakens soccer fever in everyone. Win new customers, achieve customer loyalty, generate newsletter subscribers and increase traffic on your website - or promote team spirit among your employees. The betting game naturally adapts to all mobile devices and offers perfect usability. From June 14 to July 14, 2024, the European Football Championship will take place in Germany. You should strategically include the 2024 sports highlight in your marketing planning.

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Customer examples

"With the interactive formats of contentbird Convert, we can make our content really exciting in a straightforward and resource-saving way and realise our goals on conversion and leads."
Christina Meier
Product Manager

Advent calendar - marketing wishes elegantly packaged

Time for gifts and wish fulfillment. The digital Advent calendar is the perfect marketing tool for the atmospheric pre-Christmas period. A wonderful present for your users - and for you marketers. Enchant your target group interactively through a glittering Advent season full of wonderful content with exciting games, recipes, coupons, great gifts and prizes. No wish goes unfulfilled here. With this popular interactive format, it's easy as pie to collect valuable leads and increase dwell time and engagement on your website and thus loyalty to your brand. Give gifts to your customers, partners and employees. Of course, your Christmas campaign is in your individual CI and own look & feel.

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Cyber Week, Black Friday & Co - Sales Push in Autumn

Autumn is also full of opportunities to increase your e-shop's sales. For your users, this means surfing the web and shopping comfortably in all weathers. You'll achieve the most conversions if you package your promotions interactively and guide users to the products relevant to them via a CTA at the end of the interaction. Black Friday is on November 25, 2022, and Cyber Week starts on November 28, 2022.

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Scary and exciting content for Halloween

Halloween is here to stay - and we're no exception. Use this exciting event to support your marketing goals and entertain your target audience for a week with an intriguing Halloween calendar with dramatically great content and stunning offers, a captivating find-the-couple or an exciting Verpixel puzzle. Halloween is every year on October 31.

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Evergreen formats

Type Check

The interactive format "Type Check" helps you to get to know your customers better and at the same time increase the time they spend on your website. With our type check, you can find out in a playful way which personality type your customers are and thus optimally adapt your marketing strategy to them. The interactive questions will arouse your customers' interest and increase the time they spend on your website. Invest in the type check and show your customers that you really understand them. Click on the link now and discover for yourself how much fun it is to discover the different personality types of your customers. Increase the time spent on your website and win new customers through an optimized marketing strategy!

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Customer examples


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Estée Lauder

Estée Lauder
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Digital showroom (interactive graphics)

With the digital showroom you can present your products in a unique way and inspire your customers. Imagine being able to present your products in a realistic context and convince your customers more about them. Through the interactive format, your customers will be directly involved in the world of your products and can experience them in a whole new way. Not only will you increase dwell time on your website, but you'll also bridge the gap from your content world to the store, thus attracting more customers! Discover for yourself how much fun it is to present your products in a new context and inspire your customers.

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Customer examples


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Union Krankenversicherung AG

Union Krankenversicherung AG
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AO Germany

AO Germany
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Find-the-couple is not only a popular game for kids, but also a new way of content marketing! By adding pair matching games to your website, you can increase the engagement and interaction of your target audience. Not only is this interactive format entertaining, but it's also a great way to build brand awareness and increase your customers' interest in your products and services. Find-a-pair on your website will result in visitors staying longer on your site and spending more time with your brand. Incorporate the find-a-pair game into your content marketing strategy to increase your audience's engagement and draw attention to your brand!

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Customer examples

Rockabilly Rules

Rockabilly Rules
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Quizzes are a fun and powerful content marketing strategy. Through infotainment quizzes, you can inform and entertain your target audience while generating leads. Studies have shown that quizzes can also increase e-commerce revenue. Add product recommendations at the end of the quiz to lead your audience directly to purchase or book. Integrate quizzes into your content marketing strategy to promote your business.

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Customer examples


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vivida BKK

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Interactive sweepstakes

Interactive sweepstakes are a powerful content marketing strategy! Infotainment elements and sweepstakes allow you to engage your target audience in a fun and informative way. Interactive sweepstakes increase engagement and dwell time on your website and are a great lead generation opportunity to attract potential customers. Interactive sweepstakes can also increase newsletter subscriptions and e-commerce revenue by recommending products to lead your target audience directly to purchase or book. Integrate interactive sweepstakes into your content marketing strategy to promote your business.

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Customer examples


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Passauer New Press

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You have questions, we have the answers. Here you will find an excerpt of the most frequently asked questions about Convert.


How time-consuming is the creation of an interactive content format?

It's very simple. You can create an interactive format without any programming knowledge and it will take you about 30 minutes.


How does the integration work?

The integration works easily via Java code snippet or iFrame by copy/paste of the code into your CMS.


How can I implement my campaigns?

You have the choice between DIY, an implementation with support from us or you simply book our full-service implementation and we take over the creation of your interactive content format for you.


How much does it cost?

The different formats for the whole marketing year are available from 200€/ month or a format of your choice one-time from 1.500€.

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