COntent Marketing with

artificial intelligence

Inspirations and use cases for AI in content marketing

Artificial intelligence is changing content marketing from strategy to analytics and is currently effective and time-saving, especially in content creation.

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Develop content strategy with AI / artificial intelligence

The development of a content strategy can be supported with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). One way is to develop a persona to gain a better understanding of the target audience. AI tools can help here by collecting and analyzing data from various sources. By analyzing large amounts of data, relevant insights can be gained to adjust the strategy accordingly. Thus, AI in the area of content strategy can be a valuable support for the Head of Marketing.

Texting with AI / artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has its strengths especially in the area of texting. With AI, new texts can be written, writer's block can be dissolved and existing texts can be rewritten. In addition, the AI can also convert texts into you or you to achieve a better adaptation to the target group or even take over complete translations of the content.

Improve SEO with AI / artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has also made its way into the field of search engine optimization (SEO). With the help of AI, companies can optimize their keyword research and create suitable onpage content. The structuring of content is also supported by AI. Every marketing decision maker should deal with this topic in order to use the potentials of AI for SEO and thereby increase visibility and reach.

Perform keyword research with AI / artificial intelligence

Keyword research is an essential part of any successful content marketing strategy. Artificial intelligence can help facilitate the search for relevant search terms (/keywords) and questions (W-questions).

By better understanding the demand of potential customers, more targeted content can be created. For content managers, it is important to know the search terms and questions that potential customers use in various search engines. Thanks to AI tools, this information can be gathered quickly and effectively to develop a successful marketing and SEO strategy.

Writing blog posts with AI / artificial intelligence

With AI, not only can blog articles be generated automatically, but title ideas and suitable paragraphs can also be suggested for inspiration. Especially for content managers, editors and authors, this is a helpful way to publish a higher number of quality articles in a shorter time. With the help of AI, it is also possible to create, for example, advice texts, magazine articles and much more that are precisely geared to the needs of the target group. Therefore, when building a blog / online magazine, the use of artificial intelligence can help save time and resources and create high-quality blog posts.

Create product descriptions with AI / artificial intelligence

When creating product descriptions, artificial intelligence leads to enormous time savings and transforms dry facts into appealing descriptions. AI can be used to analyze product data and automatically create optimized descriptions based on this data. This can increase conversions and improve SEO traffic.

Create website texts with AI / artificial intelligence

Website texts play a crucial role in all digitization projects, especially when it comes to increasing conversions and SEO traffic. Artificial intelligence (AI) can help companies achieve these goals and create comprehensive website texts using existing (product) information. Artificial intelligence can create content and also help tailor website copy to the needs of the target audience, thus increasing conversion rates. Marketing decision-makers should therefore consider the benefits of AI when creating website texts to optimize their online presence and remain competitive.

Create social media posts with AI / artificial intelligence

With the help of AI, marketing decision-makers can optimize their posts on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn and target them more specifically to their target group. For example, artificial intelligence can be used to create appealing and attention-grabbing headlines or texts. The analysis of data and trends by AI systems can also be used to better understand the behavior of the target group and adjust the social media strategy accordingly. Overall, the use of AI in social media opens up new opportunities for marketing decision-makers to make their posts even more effective and increase their reach.

Writing newsletters with AI / artificial intelligence

In marketing, the newsletter is still a popular way to keep customers and prospects informed. But creating a newsletter requires a lot of time and attention. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) can help. With the help of AI technology and proper brieifing of background information, newsletter teasers and stand-alone newsletters can be generated automatically. In the process, content is personalized based on the recipient's interests and preferences and sent automatically. This saves marketing decision-makers time and resources while still ensuring effective newsletter delivery.

Lightning fast creation of terrific content that gets results

Create website content that attracts and converts

  • Headlines, product descriptions, FAQs and much more
  • Use AI Assistant to improve SEO
  • Accelerate idea development and solve writer's block

Create social media posts in minutes for months in advance

  • Create social posts based on existing content
  • Systematically plan the social media pipeline in advance
  • Automate hashtag and emoji research

Create product descriptions that attract visitors and sell products

  • Turn sober product data / facts into appealing descriptions
  • Higher coverage of long tail to increase findability
  • Formulate motivating calls to purchase

Turn ideas into complete texts within a short time

  • Prevent writer's block through a step-by-step process
  • Create introductions, outlines, paragraphs, conclusions and entire content with AI Assistant
  • Allow text snippets to be derived for marketing in newsletters and social media

Write press releases that will be published

  • Have appealing titles suggested for press release
  • Have press text developed from product information
  • To enrich quotes and enhance with background information

Newsletter teasers and stand-alone mailings at the push of a button

  • Never again empty newsletters through simple creation of teaser texts
  • Introductions, stories and Call-2-Actions with just a few clicks

AI Content Marketing Software & Tools

AI Assistant vs.

AI Assistant vs.

AI Assistant vs. writesonic

AI Assistant vs. neuroflash

AI Assistant vs.

AI Assistant vs. rytr

AI Assistant vs.

AI Assistant vs.

AI Assistant vs.

AI Assistant vs. mindverse

FAQ / Questions based on briefing

Erstelle eine Liste von 5 häufig gestellten Fragen auf der Grundlage des folgenden Briefings: {briefing}
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Create suggestions for content titles

Erstelle 5 eindeutige, beschreibende Titel mit maximal 60 Zeichen für den folgenden Text: {editorContent}
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Optimize grammar

Improve the grammar of the following text and give me suggestions (if any) {editorContent}
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Create bullet points from content

Erstelle 10 Stichpunkte zu dem Text: {editorContent}
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